Café Eòlas

Ultros | Mist | Ward 6 | Plot 47

Join us at Café Eòlas. A café made especially to cater to the academics of the thaumaturge guild of Ul'dah, though all are welcome here.

The Café Collective presents a darker venue, for those that seek comfort through the sound of gloomy rain. We offer you a place for casual to immersive RP with our house bards to set the mood. Remember to have fun and be mindful of others.Open:
Saturday Nights | 1am - 3am EST

Venue Design by Ro Valerius & Odetta Sorrel


The Witch's Raven

"Bitter and harsh is the knowledge necessary for enlightenment. Few souls bear the fortitude to endure. "
(Black Coffee/Espresso)
-Intense Awakeness & Alertness.
-Intense Focus
-Drastic mental revitalization
Side Effect Warning: May cause severe insomnia and/or intense stomach cramps to the unaccustomed

The Forest Owl

"Illuminated orbs amidst the trees, overseeing my desperate struggle in the black. Morning pitied me, bestowing light for my path to relieve plight. Above, I'd regaze, however, to discover my nightly caretaker no longer found."
(Normal Coffee. Black or with cream and sugar)
-Awakeness & Alertness
-Mental revitalization

The Foreign Merchant

"From lands afar, I present you magnificent riches and temptations. Come, discover and indulge the pleasures of your distant cousins. You too, shall live as exotic nobility."
(Thaivarian Chai)

The Ancient Philosopher

"Those who understand not themselves foremost and truly, cannot possibly hope to truly understand the other. And those incapable of understanding the other, surely welcome the endless cycle of trial and misery with every interaction."
-Deep Thought
-Deep Focus

The Deceitful Fey

"Are you lost, stranger? ... Desperately seeking direction?! Who else, then, would replace your company for my games? Torment not—For I've over a thousand years' worth of fun, you and I!
(Pixieberry Tea)
-Physical Revitalization
-Good Mood

The Tender Taverner

"A wretched story and weighty burden you sound to carry. Take a seat, have drink and nourishment, and let's hear it round the warm fire."
(Hot Coco)
-Stress Relief
-Improved Mood

The Holistic Doctor

"The body already contains all necessary tools to restore and maintain itself. We need only cleanse the blockages impeding it from running course."
-Improved Cardiovascular
-Improved Blood Pressure
-Healthier Skin

The Revolutionist

"Minority against overwhelming mass. Kneel aside the multitude as a dog for my daily bread, or stand upon my own two feet with pride as a human—starving, yet free?"
(Doman Tea)
-Mental Fortitude & Resolve
-Anxiety Relief

Payment? Never knew her.
All drinks are as free as the music!
Tips appreciated, but all we want would be a like in the message book on the way out. Thank you
